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Chariteens Residential Family Centre

Residential Family Centre
“Chariteens will work together with parents and other professionals
to support parents to access health care services, education, training,
employment and welfare benefits”
― Our Work Philosophy
Residential Parenting
Assessment Placements

Residential Parenting Assessment Placements

For each referral the centre receives, a risk assessment will be carried out to find out if the centre can meet the needs of the family being referred and that accepting the referral will not disrupt the stability of the families already living in the centre. The centre will ensure a pre-placement planning meeting is held before admission. On admission the centre will hold a placement planning meeting within 72hrs with the placing authority and the parents. 

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The main remit of assessment.

Parenting Assessment

For all planned admissions, Chariteens and the referring agency, usually social services will make arrangements for the family to visit the centre prior to admission if they so wish. 

  • Professional Staff
  • Quality Service
  • Experienced Staff
  • To assess the parents’ abilities to provide the primary care and protection of their child including basic routines and understanding the child’s developmental needs, (comprehensive assessment)
  • To assess the parents’ understanding of the emotional needs of the child and their abilities to promote positive attachment to the child through play and interaction.
  • To assess the parents’ understanding of the emotional needs of the child and their abilities to promote positive attachment to the child through play and interaction.
  • To consider the environmental issues that might affect the parent’s care of the child such as employment, education, budgeting, housing, community resources etc.

A placement planning meeting is held prior to the placement or on the day of the placement. This is to agree an individual programme for the family (family placement plan) based on the placing authority’s assessment of the needs and should identify the purpose and scope of the residential assessment of parenting skill and capacity and any support the centre will provide.

The centre will arrange with the placing authority a review of the placement within 72 hours. This is to assess if the placement is suitable for the family and if not to move the family to a more suitable placement. The views and wishes of the family regarding the placement are also taken into consideration.

During the parents’ stay, staffs promote contact with their families, siblings, significant others.

Staff are also expected to provide appropriate support to families to acquire skills that will help them care safely for their children and promote their welfare after leaving the centre (post residential), e.g. parenting skills, emotional resilience and self-esteem.